Unexpected Seasons| dementia caregiver, parent with dementia, dementia support

Are you over-50 and have a parent with dementia? Do you often wonder how you landed in this season of life? Are you worried that your retirement dreams have gotten lost in your caregiving role? Is your health suffering because you ALWAYS put yourself last? Do you feel defeated and wonder who you have become? Do you resent your parent for something that neither of you can control? I GET YOU! In my early 50’s, my husband and I became empty nesters looking forward to a season of life where we could hike, watch sunsets, camp, and reignite our relationship. 6 months later, I became a part-time caregiver to my mother who has FTD dementia while still teaching high-school full time. I started to lose my dreams and my identity as my exhaustion rose and my energy disappeared. But I am a driven person with faith and vision who refuses to let this season of life get the best of me! I have learned more about dementia to help me cope and understand what is happening with my mother. I have developed mindset practices so that I can remain excited about my own dreams without feeling guilty and selfish. I have created systems that help me continue to move the needle on my personal goals, even when I am pulled in 100 different directions and have very broken segments of time. And I want to share my successes, and my failures, with you! So, find a quiet corner, take a few deep calming breaths, and join me as I share how I have maintained peace in the midst of a very unexpected season of life as the daughter of a parent with dementia.

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Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

UGH! The healthcare system is broken when it comes to the flow of information for dementia (and so many other) patients! Today I'm sharing a few tips that my sister and I have used when our mother has been in the hospital since her FTD diagnosis.There has to be a better way! I'd love to hear from you at mel@themelcogar.com if you have experiences or thoughts that could help! 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com. I would love to hear from you!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!
Time is such a valuable commodity and in limited supply as a caregiver. Currently, I'm really taking control of my time in both my work and home life by working with a coach that is helping me to create systems for my life and business and regain control of my time! Check it out at the link below. https://melcogar--chelsijo.thrivecart.com/syl/Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

Do you desperately miss your girls night out? Or just laughing with friends? 
Friends are invaluable on your caregiver journey! They laugh with you, cry with you, listen to your fears, and just sit with you when there's nothing to say. Today I share 3 tips that have helped me to maintain friend connections - and those friends have helped me more than they will ever know! I hope this helps you to reconnect with your own friends and make sure your support system is strong. Time is such a valuable commodity and in limited supply as a caregiver. Currently, I'm really taking control of my time in both my work and home life by working with a coach that is helping me to create systems for my life and business and regain control of my time! Check it out at the link below. https://melcogar--chelsijo.thrivecart.com/syl/Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com. I would love to hear from you!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Thursday Jul 25, 2024

Does your to-do list feel like it's crushing you? Or do you not even have one because it seems like too big of a task?I have been there, and I'm still a work-in-progress! This is a huge area of struggle for me and one that I am constantly working on!In today's episode, I share a few tips that helped me to get my to-do list to a point that seemed a little bit manageable. I hope this helps you in some way as you are traveling your own journey as a parent caregiver. Currently, I'm really taking control of my to-do list by working with a coach that is helping me to create systems for my life and business to regain control of my life and time! Check it out at the link below. https://melcogar--chelsijo.thrivecart.com/syl/Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com. I would love to hear from you!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Today's episode was recorded on the 15th anniversary of my father's death, which I fully believe triggered Mom's dementia diagnosis. I share a little more about the backstory, and continue to vulnerably share more specifics of Mom's FTD symptoms and behaviors.I hope this helps you in some way as you are traveling your own journey as a parent caregiver. 
As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com.
Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners.
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

Your parent or loved one with dementia probably displays behaviors that lead you to react in ways that leave you feeling regretful or even more frustrated. Today I will share 3 things NOT to do, and alternative reactions to help you maintain mental peace. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com.
Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Sunday Jun 30, 2024

Caregiver overwhelm is REAL!! Instead of looking within the caregiver role to find ways to reduce stress, today I am sharing 5 tips that are more general in nature to help reduce caregiver stress and overwhelm.As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com.
Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Thursday Jun 06, 2024

What do you do if you suspect your parent has dementia, how do you get a diagnosis? Where do you find support as a parent caregiver? These are just a couple of the questions that I have been asked along this journey. Tune in to find out real life answers from my own experience. As always, if you have questions or would like to learn more about a topic that I have discussed, please email me at mel@themelcogar.com.
Also, if you are interested in starting your own podcast as an outlet and way to help others, please check out the link below to find out how I learned to start my own podcast. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

4| What is FTD? Q&A Part 1.

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

"What is FTD? Tell me more!" Today I'm going to do just that! As always, I am sharing my knowledge from a daughter's perspective, not a medical perspective.I am going to share the very basics of understanding a frontotemporal dementia diagnosis. 
Please email me at mel@themelcogar.com with comments or questions or topics you would like to hear about.
The information that I share on this episode can be found with a quick Google search. However, The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration is a great resource and wealth of information. Check them out here https://www.theaftd.org/ .
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Monday Apr 29, 2024

Some days, you wonder how you are going to make it through the day! Caregiver stress is REAL and REAL HARD! This episode is going to show you 5 ways (plus a bonus) to reduce stress in the moment, in 5 minutes or less. These strategies are meant to give you a quick win so that you can continue helping your loved one with peace in your heart. 
Here are a few of the verses (or partial verses) that are special to me, especially when things get super hard.
Be still and know that I am God!... Psalm 46:10 (NLT)
...Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning Psalm 30:5
...pray without ceasing... I Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)
She is energetic and strong, a hard worker...She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. Proverbs 31: 17 & 20 (NLT)
Don't let your hearts be troubled... John 14:1
Please email me at mel@themelcogar.com with questions, comments, or topics that you would like to hear about in future episodes. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!

Monday Apr 29, 2024

How do you know if someone you love has FTD dementia? Early warning signs can often be explained away or ignored. This episode will help you recognize early warning signs of FTD dementia and why it's important to to document the signs.
Please email me at mel@themelcogar.com with questions, comments, or topics that you would like to hear about in future episodes. 
And please leave me a written review on iTunes. 5 star reviews help my podcast reach more listeners!
Keep the faith, and keep those dreams alive!


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